

第1報 放射性ヨウ素内用療法の実施状況と施行前のヨウ素制限についての全国調査
日本甲状腺学会雑誌 7:34-40, 2016   PDF

鳴海覚志、長谷川奉延、阿部清美、安達昌功、荒田尚子 2014 
成長科学協会平成26年度研究年報 38:55-56   PDF

Kaneshige T, Arata N, Harada S, Ohashi T, Sato S, Umehara N, Saito T, Saito H, Murashima A, Sago H 2014
Changes in serum iodine concentration, urinary iodine excretion and thyroid function after hysterosalpingography using an oil-soluble iodinated contrast medium (Lipiodol)
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100:E469-472.

Fuse Y, Shishiba Y, Irie M 2013
Gestational changes of thyroid function and urinary iodine in thyroid antibody-negative Japanese women.
Endocr J 60:1095-1106.   PDF

布施養善 2013
Biomed Res Trace Elements 24(3):117-152.   PDF

布施養善、田中卓雄、小川博康、藤田正樹、布施養慈、紫芝良昌、入江實 2012
日臨栄会誌 34:18-28   PDF

Fuse Y, Ohashi T, Yamaguchi S, Yamaguchi M, Shishiba Y, Irie M 2011
Iodine status of pregnant and postpartum Japanese women: Effect of iodine intake on maternal and neonatal thyroid function in an iodine-sufficient area.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96:3846-3854.

布施養善、山口曉、山口稔、岡安香織、植松裕子、大橋俊則、紫芝良昌、入江實 2011
日臨栄会誌 32:147-158   PDF

布施養善、大橋俊則、紫芝良昌、入江實 2010
日臨栄会誌 32:26-51   PDF

Fuse Y, Saito N, Tsuchiya T, ShishibaY, Irie M 2007
Smaller Thyroid Gland Volume with High Urinary Iodine Excretion in Japanese Schoolchildren: Normative Reference Values in an Iodine-Sufficient Area and Comparison with the WHO/ICCIDD Reference.
Thyroid 17:145-155.

Fuse Y, Igari T, Yamada C, Sakano S, Ito H, Umenai T, Irie M 2003
Epidemiological survey of thyroid volume and iodine intake in schoolchildren, postpartum women and neonates living in Ulaan Baatar.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 59:298-306.

児玉浩子、仲本なつ恵、森庸介祐、志賀勝秋、金子衣野 2002
成長科学協会平成14年度研究年報 26:211-217   PDF